Michaels Jewelers Blog

Caring For Your Jewelry

Written by Michaels Jewelers | Jan 9, 2018 2:53:39 PM
Whether you have just recently got engaged, received something sparkly over the holidays or just want to keep your existing jewelry shining bright, take a look at our tips on how to best care for your jewelry:

Jewelry boxes can collect dust and can quickly become disorganized - take a moment to wipe down your jewelry box and use a lint roller to roll up and pesky dust particles.

  • Organize your jewelry by category and make sure to store properly - remember, anything silver should be stored in an anti-tarnish pouch!  We recommend storing costume jewelry separately from fine jewelry, this can prevent additional tarnishing and helps you remember what's fine jewelry vs costume
  • Find any jewelry that may not fit your style anymore?  We offer restyling - let us transform your outdated jewelry into something new and modern.  Another option is to bring your jewelry to be evaluated by our buyers - who knows what some of your jewelry can be worth!  We offer trades or cash for jewelry, scrap gold and more!

When was the last time you looked closely at your jewelry?  There may be some wear or damage to your precious jewelry that can easily be fixed.

Take your precious goods to any Michaels Jewelers location to have it inspected every 3-6 months to make sure all prongs are tight and clasps are working properly to avoid losing stones or your jewelry all together.  There's nothing worse than losing a cherished piece of jewelry.

Does your white gold look dull?  We offer Rhodium plating that will make your jewelry look brand new! Is your watch not running?  We can replace batteries on the spot!  Michaels Jewelers is a full service jeweler who can take care of any jewelry repair and restoration needs.


There are 3 easy ways to clean your jewelry:

1. Bring your jewelry to any Michaels Jewelers location for a complimentary cleaning & inspection.  Professional cleaning systems are far superior than any home treatment plus you get the benefit of having a professional inspect your jewelry for any issues (see above), plus its FREE!
2. Invest in an at-home cleaning system.  Our Michaels Jewelers Care Kit has all the essentials needed to make your jewelry truly shine.  At a $14.95 price point - receive an all purpose cleaner, 4 ply polishing cloth, anti-tarnish pouch and anti-tarnish strips.  Michaels Jewelers New Cleaning Solutions can be used on  any jewelry - from silver to semi-precious and porous gemstones.  If you do not have a Michaels Jewelers Care Kit or New Cleaning Solution,  be careful and read the label on any jewelry cleaner to make sure that it is compatible with your jewelry
3. For For an easy DIY cleaning, soak your ring for a few minutes in mild dish soap and warm water, then scrub carefully with a soft toothbrush


Click below to see how our care kit works!

Michaels Jewelers' Care Kit


If you ever have any questions related to your jewelry care, reach out to our professional jewelers who would be happy to help!